Unveiling Vaping: What Chemicals Are in E-Cigarettes and Their Health Risks

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E-cigarette has escalated into a popular trend among young people as the improved method of smoking. Appealing factors include slim looks, flavours that are offered, and impressions that devices are safer than other conventional products. But it is necessary to realize what chemicals are contained in those vaping products and health consequences that can appear. This article looks at the several components in vaping juices, the chemicalical outcomes of vaporization and the health risks in vaping.

Understanding the Basics: What Is Vaping?

health risks

Now that you know what it does to your body, let’s explore how vaping works before we look at the chemicals. E-cigarettes are handheld devices that are activated by the user to heat a liquid – e-liquid or vape juice, to create an aerosol. This vapor strongly resembles the smoke of cigarettes but lacks majority of unhealthy tar that comes from burning of tobacco.

As vaping has been marketed as a safer option to smoking, with these devices several individuals are unaware that they can still include hazardous substances.

The Main Components of Vape Liquids

Vape liquids usually consist of a few key ingredients that form the base of e-liquids:

1. Propylene Glycol (PG)

Propylene Glycol

This compound is used in vape liquids and plays the role of a solvent of flavorings. It is a synthetic liquid for water-absorber and usually used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Even though the FDA has stated that propylene glycol is “generally recognized as safe” when swallowed, the effect of inhaling it in the vapor form may well be rather different. Consumption may also cause the following effects to the respiratory system based on different research: coughing or wheezing.

2. Vegetable Glycerin (VG)

Vegetable Glycerin

Another ordinary ingredient in vape liquids is vegetable glycerin that is popular among vapers as well. VG is thicker and sweeter than PG which gives a better throat hit and bigger vapour produce which are the reasons as to why some e-liquid companies choose PG. Similar to propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin is not toxic when swallowed but whether it is toxic when inhaled in a form of aerosol is unclear.

3. Nicotine


The most popular chemical used in e-cigarettes is nicotine, which is the addictive element in normal cigarettes. Available in varying concentration of nicotine, e liquid can be in the high dosage or completely free of nicotine substance. If inhaled through vaping, then nicotine gets into the blood stream, and causes the release of dopamine, which is the source of the ‘hit’. Although not believed to be the main reason for diseases such as cancer associated with tobacco, nicotine is addicting, raises the blood pressure and heart rate and the risk of heart diseases.

4. Flavorings

Another major reason that people use vaporizers is because of the many different flavours such as fruit, to cookies. However, flavorings are one of the most discussed elements of the vape liquids and juices that people use. Even if each of the flavoring chemicals may be safe to eat in food or drink, different effects are produced when one inhales them.


For example, diacetyl, an ingredient found in buttery tasting products such as popcorn, caramel, and oils has been associated with severe lung disease: bronchiolitis obliterans or popcorn lung. However, several undertakings continue to offer diacetyl or products that include similar substitutes that are fatal to human life.

Toxic Chemicals Formed During Vaping

Although bottles of e-liquid contain a combination of a few basic compounds, creating vapor results in the formation of new substances, which can be dangerous. Byproducts of vaping include other compounds that are resulting from the combustion of e-liquids when in contact with high temperatures and strength equipment.


1. Formaldehyde

A common carcinogen, formaldehyde, which may result from heated propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin is variously used. The risk faced when inhaling it is that it is a chemical that is known to cause cancer. Although the content of formaldehyde in vape aerosol depends on the device type and settings, even very low levels of exposure are dangerous in the long term.

2. Acetaldehyde

Yet another toxic substance formed from this process is acetaldehyde, which is classified as a chemical that may cause human cancer. Like formaldehyde, acetaldehyde is generated under high temperature conditions especially in appliances that can be controlled to increase the temperature or voltage.

3. Acrolein

Acrolein is an ingredient in pesticide and can be gotten from the heating of glycerin or ppropylene glycol. when inhaled, acrolein irritates the lungs and airways, and long-term exposure it indicated to have respiratory toxicity, and keen risk of lung disease.

4. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Volatile organic compounds are compounds easily changeable to the gaseous state ie they evaporate easily. Several VOCs identified in vape aerosol include benzene and toluene which are equally dangerous. Some of them include: Benzene is known to cause leukemia and other blood disorders while toluene known to cause central nervous system effects.

Heavy Metals in Vaping Devices

Vaping Devices

In addition to this, vaping devices themselves can release other unsafe chemicals into the aerosol. Flavorings contain diacetyl, a compound that forms metallic particles when it bubbles as it heats the e-cigarette’s metal coils, often nickel, lead or chromium. Users can then inhale these metal particles suffering long term health impacts of the substance.

1. Nickel and Chromium

Some vape coils contain Nickel and chromium which can be vaporized and inhaled. Long term exposure to these metals can lead to lung disorders and probable allergies.

2. Lead

Lead is another toxic metal that pose no risk threshold to humans because of its danger. Some investigations have identified lead in some vaping aerosols, meaning constant usage may be risky to human health. Lead poisoning affects the mental function, renal function, and can affect a number of other bodily functions.

The Health Risks of Inhaling These Chemicals

Health Risks

For now, the consequences of vaping in the long-term are unknown though emerging evidence portrays vaping as dangerous as not entirely safe. Some key health risks include:

  • Respiratory Issues: The chemicals used in e-cigarettes such as propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin are lung irritants that can cause chronic lung diseases such as bronchitis or asthma, besides exposing users to dangerous by-products like formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.

  • Cardiovascular Problems: Nicotine is a stimulant that causes tachycardia and increased blood pressure. Nicotine through vaping might also be hazardous to human health in that it causes cardiovascular diseases just like smoking does.

  • Addiction: E cigarettes contain nicotine and people who use them develop a physical dependence on nicotine. Flavoring of the vaporized liquid and ease of access makes vaping especially addictive especially to young individuals making them potential lifetime customers.

  • Potential Cancer Risks: Use of possibly carcinogenic compounds such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and volatile organic compounds makes cancer risk a potential issue governing lifetime vaping usage.

Conclusion: What’s Really in Vapes?

While it has been advertised that vaping, or using electronic cigarettes, is much healthier than smoking, e-cigs are still proven to have many chemical constituents which could be quite dangerous. The residual liquid base, the added flavorings, and other toxic compounds formed during vaporizing can all have long term negative effects such as lung, heart and other system damage. The metals used in vape products can even add on these risks by emitting heavy metal particles in the vaping aerosol.

Knowledge of what goes into these vaping products enables consumers to make better choices. Even if vaping means less harm than smoking in many ways, it does not mean it is completely safe. Knowledge of which chemicals are in the e-liquids and the effects they have on health will go a long way in helping everyone make better decisions when it comes to e-cigarettes.


Vaping involves use of devices that vaporize e-liquids which are generally made from chemicals such as Propylene Glycol, Vegetable Glycerin, nicotine, and flavourants. However, at high temperatures distillation can occur and create toxic fumes such as formalin, acetaldehyde and acrolein that are known carcinogens or irritants to the respiratory system. Moreover, the heavy metals which are used to make the device can be inhaled when the device is used by an individual. While vaping is advertised as safer than smoking, some of the chemicals in e-cigarettes are dangerous for your health and may lead respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, addiction levels and even lead to cancer. This means that the potential threats and harms associated with vaping has to be understood by users and keep themselves informed on the repercussions of their actions while vaping.

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